on the blog

Starting a coaching blog? Read this first

Let's face it, no matter what industry you’re in, you already know that blogging is a crucial way to stay relevant.

As a coach, your blog is the perfect place to share your message and show off your expertise. And because it's one of the first places a potential lead will land on, you really want to get this part of content marketing right.

But not all blogs are created equal, and many don't really work. The reasons they don't work varies from blog to blog but it's usually a combination of a few different factors such as: lack of commitment / sporadic posting schedule, no clear content purpose, lack of focus or no strategy when it comes to measuring growth.

If you find yourself wondering what you're doing wrong or you're feeling frustrated with the apparent lack of progress, don't despair. Blogging can work for you too, when you have the right formula.

A well working blog can bring you tremendous success as a couch and in this post we'll discuss the winning formula to get you going on your journey.

Why it's important to nail your coaching blog strategy

Online businesses need one major thing to be successful - traffic. Blogging is a great way to bring in the right kind of traffic, consistently and long-term.

You can still grow your coaching business without a blog, if you have regular traffic coming to your website. You can rely on paid ads, referral sources or your social network to spread the word about your services. But just like blogging, all of these marketing tactics still need one important thing: a lot of quality content on your site.

The best way to share quality content is through your coaching blog. You can create an ever-green content funnel packed with valuable information that can be used across multiple different marketing campaigns.

The days of a visitor booking your services after seeing just 1 landing page are long gone, and today's savvy consumers need at least 6 or 7 points of contact before considering doing business with you.

The best way you can rely on your content to deliver your message consistently to a primed audience is through your coaching blog.

To recap, it's important for you to get blogging right because:

  • Blogging brings traffic to your website
  • Blogging builds trust and authenticity

Now let's take a look at the winning formula when creating a successful coaching blog.

Step 1 - Commit yourself to blogging

Consistency and regular posting times are vital to the health of your coaching blog. If you don't like writing but have the resources, we strongly recommend outsourcing this task to someone experienced.

The hallmark of a successful blog is the amount of high quality content it can generate, and if you don't like writing then chances are you won't be very prolific.

Updating your blog only when you feel like it won't cut it. It won't give you satisfactory results, and you'll be left thinking that blogging just doesn't work for you. This is not the case.

Blogging is a long-term content strategy and as such requires patience, dedication & commitment to the task.

Consistency is the best way to increase readership, and you would be surprised how quickly a content marketing strategy with a consistent posting schedule can pick up momentum.

All it takes is one blog post that works (blended in with other highly successful posts) and you'll be generating traffic and new leads on a regular basis.

Step 2 - Identify the main traffic sources to your blog

There are typically three ways people can find out about your posts:

  • Social media
  • Organic search
  • Links from other sources (blogs, websites)

For your coaching blog, you can leverage any or all of these sources to your own advantage.

Social media can typically bring immediate traffic to your blog if you have already built up an audience of engaged fans. If you don't have a following yet, look at ways you can increase your presence on these platforms.

Organic search is the sustainable long-term approach

Organic traffic is generated by visitors that land on your website from unpaid sources. This type of free traffic is more important than paid traffic or traffic from social media networks because it results in highly qualified leads, builds higher customer trust and is cost effective (aka free).

Because it is driven by customer intent and brings highly engaged customers, increasing organic search is always a marketers goal.

And the best part? All you have to do is produce high quality content that attracts interest and compels visitors to share it and link back.

Keywords are important, yes and you should use your focus keywords often throughout your copy — but never at the expense of good writing.

Bottom line is this - create a lot of good content and you'll have a good chance of ranking high for keyword phrases your target audience types into search engines.

Step 3 - Set a goal for your coaching blog

Bringing people to your website doesn't guarantee a sale but it does get you one step closer.

Now that you have a visitor reading your blog post, you'll want them to subscribe to your feed as a next step. Emails are one of the best ways to build trust and develop a relationship with your readers.

When people sign up to your newsletter they give you permission to contact them. The best way to thank them for that trust is by creating purposeful content.

Having someone's email also allows you to keep up the conversation, and further qualify them for your coaching services. Set up email sequences to deploy in the weeks after signup that introduces your approach. Make your sales pitch after a couple of emails.

Subscriptions to your mailing list is excellent goal but there are others you can set for you coaching blog.

Other blogging goals can be:

  • Comments - Although blog comments are on a decline, for some topics and audiences it might be great to have a discussion below the post. Try it and see if it works for you!
  • Podcast listeners- If you have a podcast that is related to your blog topic, then you can add links to attract people to listen and subscribe.
  • Follows on social media - Like subscription to your mailing list, this allows you to get in touch with the person reading your content again. Very Powerful.
  • Shares - This signals to you that the article has real value, and motivates you to create more.
  • Buying a product/service - Works best for lower priced offers. Keep in mind that people came to your blog post to read interesting things and solve a problem. Usually they expect solving it to be free.

And remember: they very likely haven’t had numerous points of contact with you yet, so this is not the ideal time to sell.

So pick a goal. And decide on the just one goal and set out to achieve it. Focusing on just one goal will help you become more creative and efficient with the time you invest on this marketing channel.

Step 4 - Create content that's share worthy

Make the posts about your audience, not about you. Tackle and solve problems they have and make them feel that they can relate to you through your words. Present all your knowledge in a clear and compelling way. And above all, make each post personal and relevant to the audience.

Since you want readers to be excited about reading your blog posts, it's a good idea to develop an angle that makes them look forward to reading what's next.

This will encourage them to check back again and again. You can do this by using emotions (fear, values) or strategic topics (with benefits for their personal journeys).

The best part? When you become a problem solver and someone that shares value though a unique perspective, your content will get shared, you'll gain followers and you'll build a loyal fan base.

Key Takeaways

Blogging is a great content marketing tool that can help your coaching business grow by:

  • Increasing your reach through quality content that attracts new readers interested in your niche.
  • Helping you build trust with your audience. Readers start knowing and liking you more and more over time.
  • Leveraging traffic channel to increase sales from other marketing pursuits, such as social media

(TDLR) How to create a successful coaching blog:

  • Commit yourself to blogging. Hire someone to do it for you if you have the resources. Set up a schedule, write consistently and stick to it.
  • Know where your audience is coming from. Decide on the channel that makes the most sense for you (social media, organic search or links from other sources) and focus there.
  • Pick one blogging goal and stick to it. Getting subscribers is a great goal that will move visitors down your marketing funnel.
  • Create content that's share worthy. Know your audience, use lots of keywords, be emotional and give a lot of value.

Just remember that it takes time to see results and consistent work to build a strong audience. But we know you got this babe!

And if you need any help with your blogging strategy or content writing, you can book a call with us to discuss how we can help you build your strategy, stay consistent and grow your audience.


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